As New Year's 2010 approached, we asked our NYIP forum members, Twitter followers, and Facebook friends to share their Photography Resolutions for the New Year with us. This isn't your ordinary list of resolutions, but rather a snapshot of what matters most to photographers right now. While getting more exercise, eating right, and sleeping more are all worthy goals, they often get put out to the curb with the Christmas tree. These photography resolutions however, are a great way to get your decade off to a successful start.

Now that we've made it past the first month of 2010, how are you coming with your resolutions? It's not too late to add one or two to your personal list. Maybe you'll get some ideas from the following compendium. We'll add a few of our own at the end of this article.
By far, the most frequent resolution we received was from students working towards completing our Complete Course in Professional Photography. What was interesting was what they planned to do with the knowledge they've attained through their studies. Here are a few selections from the forum.
Teresab (Just started Unit 2) "I want to not only get to a professional level in order to charge for my work, but to also somehow use it for a greater purpose."
Panda (Unit 2) "Continue to think outside the box and utilize new techniques that challenge me. Utilize my photography for more charitable works to give back to my local community." She also wants to become internationally published.
Cathy (Unit 6) "To complete the course by Easter, and replace pre-shooting jitters with self confidence!"
Haley (Almost done with Unit 2) "to get the lighting figured out so I can take awesome pictures in my studio."
Caryniam (Unit 1) "come up with new ideas to expand business/sales."
Jezkerwin (Unit 4) One of his resolutions is to "Focus more on technique and less on gear." He also plans to create personal projects to push his limits and boundaries.
Genevh (Unit 4) hates making resolutions, but plans to find a photo group in his area, shoot more, revamp his website, and establish his business. Not bad for someone with a distaste for resolutions!
Lovely Lyn (Unit 1) plans to practice taking pictures every day. She is also going to focus on lighting techniques in her home studio, and learning Photoshop Elements.
jayTphoto (Unit 3) is developing his webfolio, and "venturing out into the business world."
Donlaczi (Just Re-activated course) Don is planning to shoot more film than digital in the New Year!
Our next most frequently cited resolution was to "get out and shoot more!" A popular trend to promote this type of daily activity is to create a 365 blog. This involves posting one or more photos online every day of the year. It takes a lot of commitment, but can be done with a bit of effort. To create your own 365 project, check out free blogging solutions like blogger, and wordpress. Forum member "Mindspring" said it best with, "Stop with the excuses...for example, "I would shoot this if I had that lens" or "If only had this lighting setup, I would take these shots." I end up talking myself out of taking great pictures instead if being creative and making it work with what I already have."
A good number of resolutions were from Photographers looking to expand their business in 2010. Here are some of the ways they plan to do this.
Rhonda (Unit 5) is working towards gaining confidence so she can stop shooting for free. She also hopes to build a website.
UpNorthEmt plans to open a home studio this year. She strives to "take awesome portraits that are pleasing to my clients, and have clients who keep coming back."
Jgspitler (Finishing Unit 6) is hoping to assist a wedding photographer to learn the ropes, and take his photography to the next level.
Mindspring (Unit 1) may convert a two-car garage into a studio, or find a commercial studio.
BryanM, and Chrishw are going to get serious about microstock.
Jjmirenzi (Unit 6) has already begun working on his resolutions which include building a website, placing an ad in the yellow pages (online and print), and establishing connections with other wedding vendors like florists, catering halls, and limo drivers.
Pauld (Unit 1) plans to do more corporate photography, and publish a photography book on life by the ocean.
Photographers love new gear, and this was certainly apparent by some of the resolutions submitted.
Sirshannon is buying a full frame Nikon D700 is February.
Garybc is saving for a professional quality Canon L lens.
Br1anH, Teresab, and Donlaczi plan to upgrade their cameras.
JayTphoto is looking forward to picking up a new macro lens for some outdoor closeup work.
Beautifulbc is hoping to find a good deal on a Nikon D5000.
Shimmer wants to purchase a Nikon D40 with a new lens, battery grip, flash, and tripod.
Robi-bobi was the exception, stating that he will not make any photo purchases "unless something is REALLY needed."
Finally, we heard from many photographers who plan to enroll in a course here at NYIP in 2010.

As NYIP celebrates its 100th anniversary, we have a few resolutions:
To help our students and other interested photographers reach their photography goals.
To get all photographers who are taking digital photographs to learn the best practices for backing up your images so you never lose them.
To use our powers of persuasion to get magazine editors, ad copy writers and others to limit the use of the word "shooter" as a synonym for "photographer." Sadly, in today's world, "shooter" has become the descriptive term for the gun-toting mass murderer stalking a school, government office or shopping mall.
Yet some photo magazines insist on over-using the term in the quest of snappy copy. Call us photographers, image makers, shutterbugs, photojournalists or artists. Leave "shooter" for the losers who are out to destroy. That's not what we're about.
May 2010 bring the world some peace and prosperity, and good health to you and your family.
--the faculty and staff at the New York Institute of Photography.