The New York Institute of Photography is one of the world’s largest photography schools and because we are, we often publish fun and useful photography tips on our photography blog. Please enjoy!

Photographers who are constantly traveling to new places understand that the typical compositional workflow sometimes needs to change when it’s being applied on the go. If you’re exploring travel photography and looking to simplify the process, here are 3 quick and easy ways to do so:
- Gear Check- Don’t waste your time and energy by dragging around a heavy backpack or camera bag filled with unnecessary tools that you aren’t even going to use. Do you really need to pack 2 different DSLR’s for one hiking trip? Probably not. Our advice is to really consider your creative vision and the type of shots you’re hoping to create, then attempt to correspondingly pare down your picks to one camera and one lens.
- Tripod Troubles- Along the same vein as paring down your camera and lens picks, deciding to bring a tripod is also going to (maybe unnecessarily) weigh you down. If possible, try instead to pick a camera that offers a built-in stabilization mode.
- Stay Charged- This is probably one of the most common and easily avoidable mistakes made by travel photographers. There is nothing more frustrating than having to cut your process short because your device has died. Always stay charged, and always pack extra batteries.
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