The New York Institute of Photography is one of the world’s largest photography schools and because we are, we often publish fun and useful photography tips on our photography blog. Please enjoy!

Creating a beautiful image of an elusive creature is an exciting challenge for all nature photographers. Unlike the controlled environments common in zoos and farms, wildlife is fleeting. To improve your chances of success, take your camera out as soon as you arrive at a location. The sounds of Velcro and zippers can startle a subject so this is best done ahead of time. Turn the camera on and set the exposure based on the existing light. Should a photo opportunity arise, you can catch it rather than first digging through your bag. To keep a low profile, it's also preferable to turn the auto focus chirp off. The same is true with all audible notifications on your phone.
Luck is just the result of a lot of hard work and preparation. By using the internet as a research tool, you can greatly increase your chances of success. Wildlife is typically more active early and late in the day. Apps like the Photo Ephemeris tool provide the ability to track sunrise and sunset times. It actually illustrates the precise direction of the sun in relation to your location. They also work with the moon, allowing you to pinpoint when it will be full and where it will rise. With this information, you can predict when animals will be more visible.
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